Kids Charlotte

Kids Charlotte

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Kid-Friendly Coffee Shops

Kid-Friendly Coffee Shops in Charlotte

Its is so convenient to be able to bring your child or children with your to the coffee shop if its kid-friendly, especially if you love the coffee shop setting and coffee, and if you work from your computer. Below I listed some kid-friendly coffee shops where you can bring your child in Charlotte, NC.

(1) Am'elie's is a kid-friendly coffee shop that stays open 24 hours a day, and they serve breakfast, lunch and dinner. The atmosphere is great and they have a separate area where they have books your kids can read, if you have older kids. Its kinda upscale with the chandeliers with a homey feel. 

Address: 2424 N Davidson St Charlotte, NC 28314

(2)Smelly Cat Coffee has a great environment and a fun place to have coffee with your child. They are a kid-friendly coffee shop.

Address: 514 E 36th Street Charlotte, NC 28203

(3) Dilworth Coffee-Matthews is a great kid-friendly coffee shop and the set-up is a homey feel and has a great decor and atmosphere with outdoor sitting.

Address: 110 Matthews Station St Matthews, NC 28105

(4) Ellie Coffee Shoppe is a great kid-friendly coffee that serve really great food, and this coffee shop is located in Concord area.

Address: 37 Union St S Concord, NC

(5) Coffee House and Lounge is a kid-friendly coffee shop in Gastonia, NC they serve great coffee and tasty treats. They also serve food. 

Address: 170 S South Street Gastonia, NC

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Its Official! Shipt has launched in Charlotte!

Shipt Has Lanuched

Watch Video below to find out about Shipt

Shipt has launched in Charlotte everyone, so start shopping online now for groceries to be hand' delivered to you door. I have been waiting for Shipt to launch in Charlotte for awhile and now that are finally here. YESS! I'm excited! Now I don't have to get out of my house in this wet weather and and go grocery shopping. This app is so convenient. To find out more information, and to start shopping Visit the website at

Monday, September 28, 2015

Tips on how to pick a great Nanny agency

Tips on how to pick a great Nanny Agency

There are several things to consider when picking a nanny agency. Some of the things to consider is to make sure the nanny agency have great reviews online, Find out their screening process for their nannies, make sure they are responsive and answer the phone and return calls back, Make sure its a credible company, and lastly make sure they are professional and have great customer service. 

(1) Make sure the nanny agency have great reviews- If you google the nanny agency name, you will be able to see their reviews. If you google our nanny agency, Babysitters of Charlotte reviews, you will be able to see our reviews. Reviews is what that client thought of the nanny agency.

(2) Find out their screening process-You want to make sure that the nanny agency has a great screening process. Babysitters of Charlotte nanny agency screening process consist of a national Background Check, drug screening, monthly alerts of any changes of background, driving history screening, personal reference, professional references, phone interviews, face to face interviews, first aid/CPR training, and SIDS training. 

(3) Make sure they are responsive- All nanny agency don't answer the phone on the first call, and some won't even call you back. You want to pick a nanny agency that answers their phone when you call the first time, and if they can't answer, 2 hours is max time-frame to call back if you call within business hours. Babysitters of Charlotte will 90% of the time will answer their phone on the first try if we don't answer, we will call you back within 2 business hours if you call within normal business hours.

(4) Make sure the agency is credible- They way you will make sure the agency is credible is to google the agency and to make sure they have a website. If you want to take things up a notch, great nanny agencies will have been in the news, or have a commercial. Babysitters of Charlotte has a commercial that is being running on TV for the past 2 months, and they have were in the Charlotte observer newspaper. We are also being featured as the preferred nanny agency to go to in the South Charlotte area. The owner of Charlotte was on the TV show "Say yes to the Dress Atlanta" and has help Super nanny TV show find families who needed a free nanny here in the Charlotte area. 

(5) Make sure the nanny agency is professional and great Customer Service- You want to make sure the nanny agency is professional and has great customer service. Some nanny agencies are not professional and won't answer the phone professional. Here at Babysitters of Charlotte we will also answer the phone professionally and provide our client with great customer service. We go out of our way to make sure you have a great experience, and to make sure of that we follow up with Surveys!

Work From Home Jobs

Below I will discuss 5 work from home jobs that I use to work for. These companies contract with companies like Sprint, ATT, AAA, SEARS,etc, and they pay a hourly pay. The main requirement is a laptop or computer with high speed internet. Some of these jobs required you to have a phone nd headset. Most of these jobs are customer service positions. 

(1) Alpine Access is a customer service job and you work from home. You will have to have internet connection and a computer or laptop. You can apply at the link below, and they are actively hiring! Good Luck

(2) Convergys is a customer service job where you can work from home as well, and you have to have internet connection and computer or laptop. I would suggest this company only because they pay better and that offer health benefits and help with schooling. You can apply at link below:

(3) Sykes is another customer service job where you will have to have internet connection, and a computer. You can apply at the link below:

(4) Arise is a great company to work for especially if you are into making your own schedule. Its more of a business opportunity, but the jobs are customer service positions. You have to take a test and everything is self-paced. If you pass the background check and testing and interview, they hire you on the spot and everything is done online. The link is provided below to apply

Once you are hired, enter my CSPID:817682 as a referral

(5) Cash Crate is where you can start earning money online right away, you can receive your first check next month. You can sign up now below:

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

The benefits of Breastfeeding

The Benefits of Breastfeeding

There are a lot of benefits of breastfeeding and the main one that you should be aware of is that Breastfeeding help reduce SIDS. SIDS stands for Sudden Infant Death Sydrome. Below you will find others benefits of Breastfeeding.

Here's a look at some of the most important benefits breastfeeding offers you and your baby.

Breastfeeding protects your baby from a long list of illnesses

Numerous studies from around the world have shown that stomach viruses, lower respiratory illnesses, ear infections, and meningitis occur less often in breastfed babies and are less severe when they do happen. Exclusive breastfeeding (meaning no solid food, formula, or water) for at least six months seems to offer the most protection.
One large study by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences showed that children who are breastfed have a 20 percent lower risk of dying between the ages of 28 days and 1 year than children who weren't breastfed, with longer breastfeeding associated with lower risk.

The main immune factor at work here is a substance called secretory immunoglobulin A (IgA) that's present in large amounts in colostrum, the first milk your body produces for your baby. (Secretory IgA is present in lower concentrations in mature breast milk.) The substance guards against invading germs by forming a protective layer on the mucous membranes in your baby's intestines, nose, and throat.

Your breast milk is specifically tailored to your baby. Your body responds to pathogens (virus and bacteria) that are in your body and makes secretory IgA that's specific to those pathogens, creating protection for your baby based on whatever you're exposed to.

Breastfeeding's protection against illness lasts beyond your baby's breastfeeding stage, too. Studies have shown that breastfeeding can reduce a child's risk of developing certain childhood cancers. Scientists don't know exactly how breast milk reduces the risk, but they think antibodies in breast milk may give a baby's immune system a boost.

Breastfeeding may also help children avoid a host of diseases that strike later in life, such as type 1 and type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, and inflammatory bowel disease. In fact, preemies given breast milk as babies are less likely to have high blood pressure by the time they're teenagers.

For babies who aren't breastfed, researchers have documented a link between lack of breastfeeding and later development of Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis.

Breastfeeding can protect your baby from developing allergies

Babies who are fed a formula based on cow's milk or soy tend to have more allergic reactions than breastfed babies.

Scientists think that immune factors such as secretory IgA (only available in breast milk) help prevent allergic reactions to food by providing a layer of protection to a baby's intestinal tract. Without this protection, inflammation can develop and the wall of the intestine can become "leaky." This allows undigested proteins to cross the gut where they can cause an allergic reaction and other health problems.

Babies who are fed formula rather than breast milk don't get this layer of protection, so they're more vulnerable to inflammation, allergies, and other eventual health issues.

Trusted Nanny agency in Charlotte

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Inexpensive Dating Ideas!

Inexpensive Dating Ideas

My favorite: Take him to test drive his favorite car or sports car. He will love it and make it a surprise! You can always test drive any car on the parking lot as long as you have a drivers license.

Go to an amusement park or arcade. It doesn’t have to be one of those fancy, expensive parks. Go without the kids and BE kids again. Do those silly arcade games like skee ball or whack-a-mole. Impress your spouse with your strength or cunning…or laugh at your ineptitude.

Play a game from your childhood – croquet, badminton, hide and seek, miniature golf. Reminisce and be playful together.

Pretend-You’re-a-Tourist date. Look around your city and do the things a tourist might do – go to an overlook, a quaint neighborhood, the botanical gardens, a museum, whatever is special about your hometown. Gawk if you like, after all you’re a tourist. (Inspired by Co-op America).

Build something together – ice cream sundaes, a pizza with your favorite toppings, a tower of blocks. Perhaps you will find a chuckle over the odd or weird combinations that reflect your different approaches to food, building, and life.

Plan a “Favorites Night” around your favorite food, clothes, games, sports, etc. Each spouse could choose a favorite activity which you then combine into one evening, or the wife could propose her favorite activities for one date and the husband plans the next date with his favorites.

Ride a city bus for the whole route. Reflect on the sights you see and the lives of the people who are your fellow passengers. Debrief your insights afterwards.

Wait for snow and give yourself permission to make snow angels or make a snowman. Don’t live in a snowy climate? Go roller blading or revisit your childhood by visiting a roller skating rink.

Visit a pet store together. This is usually good for stirring up warm fuzzy feelings. Restrain yourself from buying, however, unless you’re really ready for a new family member. Talk about any pets you had as a child.

Ever gone midnight bowling? It’s more than just bowling. Some places have special music, lighting, and gimmicks. Even without these, it can be a ball of fun if you don’t take it too seriously.

Look through old photo albums and tell each other stories of your childhood and families. If you feel really energetic, make it a time to put all those loose photos in albums or on a disc. It’s a big job but your children will appreciate it one day.

During Lent, go to a fish fry. The fish is not the point. Seeing a community work together to feed the multitudes is a miracle in itself. Are you a member of a faith community? You don’t have to like fish to check it out.

Hang out at a bookstore. Browse through your favorite sections. Many bookstores have cozy reading spots or a café connected with them. Assume an erudite persona for an evening.

Do something to nurture your spiritual life. Go to a church service, spend an hour in silence, pray the Way of the Cross in a church or walk in a poor neighborhood to seek Christ’s presence there.

Visit your local zoo. Spring is often an especially engaging time since your likely to see some endearing zoo babies and glorious flowers.

Try a theme date like one around “quarters.” Think of all the things you can do that use quarters like play a juke box, wash the car, take your picture together at a photo booth, play video games at an arcade. (Inspired by Co-op America)

Thrift Store Date. Pick a spending limit (like $5 each) and see what crazy gift(s) you can put together for your sweetheart. Try creating a crazy or luxurious outfit for each other and wear it home. It may be the only time you wear it (other than Halloween) before you donate it back to the store. (Inspired by Co-op America)

Volunteer somewhere together – a nursing home, a soup kitchen, clean up litter from a park or along your street. Pray a simple litany of thanks together, i.e. For our family, we thank you Lord. For a safe home, we thank you Lord. For our health, we thank you Lord…

Water and moonlight can be romantic. Is there a lake, a river, a fountain near your home? Take a walk along a body of water at night. Pause and gaze at the light shimmering on the water. Dream and imagine together.

Do something silly that reminds you of your childhood. Climb a tree together, catch lightning bugs, or feed some ducks.

Try an old fashioned picnic in a secluded spot. Lay out a table cloth, some snacks or a meal. Some wine might be a nice touch. Perhaps read some romantic poetry to each other. It need not be original, just something you took the effort to find.

Take an early morning or evening bike ride together. Explore your neighborhood or the countryside. Stop at a quaint café for breakfast or get an ice cream cone or other treat along the way. In fact stop whenever you feel the urge. It’s not a race, just a time to discover together.

If tent camping is a new experience for you, try it, you might like it. Borrow a tent, sleeping bags, and some advice from a veteran camper and spend a night in the woods – or at least a backyard. Snuggle, tell ghost stories, and roast marshmallows.

During the Fall, find a corn maze and wander through it. Night time is the most fun. Getting lost is part of the adventure. Ponder how your experience may mimic times in your life together when you felt lost, found each other, or found your way through a difficulty together. No corn mazes in your area? Search out a labyrinth. Many retreat centers have them.

If you are in the Charlotte area and need a Date Night Sitter
Call 980-819-1741 
Or book a sitter online at

Monday, September 21, 2015

Date nights Decrease Divorces

Benefits of having a Date Night with your Spouse

A report released Feb. 7 by the National Marriage Project at the University of Virginia proposes that date nights are an important way for couples to spend some much-needed time by themselves.
Date nights, the report says, “may be particularly valuable” in our times, when culture accents the soul-mate model of marriage. As a result, couples “increasingly expect high levels of intimacy, communication and personal fulfillment” from their relationship.
The report calls attention to date-night initiatives launched this past year in a number of U.S. towns and cities by “a range of civic, corporate and religious organizations.” In one recommendation, the report urges these initiatives to address the need among couples “of limited means” for “free or inexpensive” kinds of date nights.
Titled “The Date Night Opportunity,” the report’s co-authors are W. Bradford Wilcox, director of the National Marriage Project, and Jeffrey Dew, a faculty fellow of the project who teaches at Utah State University.
Five Benefits of Date Nights
Five ways date nights may strengthen couples are outlined by the report.
(1) A date night is an opportunity to communicate, and this communication may help couples “deepen their understanding of one another and the relationship.” Communication is important because “individuals continue to change,” and over time, “as they and their relationship develop, they experience new challenges and problems,” Wilcox and Dew point out.
(2) Date nights are valuable for their novelty. Researchers are discovering that “couples who engage in novel activities that are fun, active or otherwise arousing – from hiking to dancing to travel to card games – enjoy higher levels of relationship quality,” the report notes. In this way, couples counteract a tendency to take each other for granted. Couples, it says, “may be particularly likely to benefit from a regular date night if they use it as an opportunity to do more than that old standby: dinner and a movie.” And couples are encouraged to choose activities that represent “a balance of each partner’s interests, rather than tending to do things (novel or not)” that reflect the same partner’s preferences each time.
(3) The report says “date nights may strengthen or rekindle that romantic spark that can be helpful in sustaining the fires of love over the long haul.”
(4) Date nights may strengthen a couple’s sense of commitment to one another. The report says, “Partners who put one another first, who steer clear of other romantic opportunities and who cultivate a strong sense of ‘we-ness’ or togetherness are markedly happier than are less-committed couples.”
(5) Date nights are a way to relieve stress. They allow a couple “to enjoy time with one another apart from the pressing concerns of their ordinary life.” Date nights also may serve couples as an opportunity “to extend emotional support to one another in times of trial.”
Wilcox and Dew wonder if date nights are most beneficial when they focus on fun and engaging activities, and “steer clear of marital challenges or other stressful topics” such as family finances. The authors hope future research addresses this point.
Couple Time Can Decrease Divorce
The report’s subtitle frames a key question, “What does couple time tell us about the potential value of date nights?” By “couple time,” the report simply means the time a couple spends by themselves, talking or sharing an activity.
According to the report, “no nationally representative surveys have questions focusing directly on the impact of date nights.” Thus, the report’s discussion of the five benefits that stem from date nights was based on a survey of literature. However, its discussion of “one-on one couple time” is based on the data in two major surveys.
For Wilcox and Dew, what currently is known from the data about couple time constitutes “the empirical indicator that comes closest to a date night.” The data indicate that “husbands and wives who enjoy high levels of couple time together are markedly less likely to divorce,” the report says.
Is couple time more important for couples with children than for others, since “parenthood is stressful” and “children often limit their parents’ couple time”? Not necessarily. Wilcox and Dew found that “couple time was equally important” for married couples with children and without children.
Nonetheless, they write, couple time, “and by extension date nights,” appears to be “an important resource to new parents seeking to keep the quality of their relationship high amid the joys, stresses and challenges of parenthood.”
It also seems that couple time is important at a time when Americans are “less connected to religious and civic organizations than they were a half-century ago,” the report observes.
Wilcox and Dew think couples “who are less integrated into the local civic or religious fabric of their communities” may “expect more of their relationship” and may depend heavily upon each other “for emotional support, given their relative social disengagement.”
“Couple time seems to foster more stable marriages,” according to “The Date Night Opportunity.” Its authors found that those “who devote time specifically to one another at least once a week are markedly more likely” than others “to enjoy high-quality relationships.”
Gibson, Dave, 2012, For your marriage,
Date Night Babysitters
For Great Date Night Babysitters Visit our website at or Call 980-819-1741!

Hotel Babysitting

What is Hotel Babysitting?

Hotel babysitting is where a babysitter comes to your hotel to babysit for your family. Babysitters of Charlotte in Charlotte, North Carolina provides excellent hotel babysitting for families in the Charlotte area. The babysitters are willing to travel to different areas of Charlotte. Babysitters of Charlotte have a website which is where you can go onto the website and book a hotel babysitter from the Our Services tab and you can reserve a hotel babysitter. Once you reserve your hotel babysitter, the agency will call to verify the booking and then they will proceed to email you the nannies profile such as the nanny national background check, resume and pictures of the nanny. Babysitters of Charlotte is partnered with the following hotels below where if you call the concierge and ask for a hotel babysitter they will give you Babysitters of Charlotte number. If you are not staying in any of the hotels below, we are still able to come to your hotel and babysit.

Hourly Rates for Hotel Babysitting

$16 hourly for 2 children
$20 hourly for 3 children
$25 hourly for 4 children
$30 hourly for 5 children

Best of all (No booking fees)

Family Hotels in Charlotte

Book at Omni Hotel Charlotte

Friday, September 18, 2015

How to choose the perfect Nanny

How to choose the right Nanny

Choosing the right nanny can be difficult and hard only because you may find several nannies that you want to choose from or if you are picking you may not like any nannies, but either way you will need to choose a great nanny. The first thing to consider when choosing the right nanny is choosing the right nanny agency. There are several nannies agency out there in Charlotte, but some may not be right for you, and just because their fees are higher doesn't necessary mean that they are better. When choosing the right nanny agency in Charlotte you want to make sure you connect with that person over the phone and I would advise setting up a meeting with their placement individual. You want a nanny agency that is going to call you back when you call them and you want a nanny agency that is sufficient and is there for you. Most nanny agencies in Charlotte charges a placement fee, and the placement fees varies. The placement fees start at $1500 and up depending on the type of package that you have. Most nanny agencies will charge 10-12% of nannies salary as a placement and that placement fee has to be paid before a nanny is actually placed with you. Most nanny agencies will have you pay half of the placement fee up front and the other half once you choose the nanny that you want to be placed. Once that nanny is placed it doesn't stop there, depending on the package that you have, that nanny or a nanny is guaranteed up to 30 day, 6months, and sometimes for a year.

The Perfect Nanny

The right nanny agency will know from speaking with you on the first call of the right nanny that they want to place with you just from the first conversation. The right nanny agency will know exactly what nanny will be a great fit. The perfect nanny or right nanny will of course a have clean background, first aid/CPR certification, and if you have an infant that nanny should have SIDS certification. SIDS certification training is a certification that will help that nanny prevent SIDS which stands for Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.  You will also connect with that nanny immediately. When you are interviewing a nanny make sure you ask open-ended questions so you can get a feel for that nanny. I will post below some questions to ask a nanny when you are interviewing a nanny. 

Questions to ask a nanny

(1) What makes you the perfect nanny?
(2) How many years experience do you have working as a nanny?
(3) How do you handle disciple? 
(4) Do you have your own transportation?
(5) If you were to get hire what will be a normal day for you caring for my child(walk me through a schedule) 
The questions above are just basic questions to ask a nanny, and you will have a portfolio on this nanny, so you will already know she has the certifications and qualifications and at this point you just want to feel the nanny out and see how her personality is and how she would handle your child on a day to day basis. 

Replacement Fees at a Nanny agency 
Every nanny agency will charge a UP-FRONT placement fees and most placement fees will be half up front before you meet potential nannies and the other half when the nanny starts working. Most placement fees will start at a minimum of $1500 for a 30 day placement and 10% of nanny salary. 

Overall the perfect nanny will come from a great nanny agency. A nanny agency that cares about helping you and is passionate about helping and that won't give up on you no matter how difficult the process may be. The perfect nanny will come from an agency that will know immediately what nanny to place you with. Nanny agencies takes the hassle out of you having to find a nanny agency yourself. The most difficult part is screening a nanny and finding out their background and references and doing a face to face interview. 

Babysitters of Charlotte Nanny agency can help you find the right nanny for your family. The owner is passionate about what she do and she has over 10 years experience in the childcare field. 

Babysitters of Charlotte nanny agency
125 W Tremont Ave
Charlotte, NC 28203
Number: 980-819-1741

Thursday, September 17, 2015

The complete guide to a PERFECT Date Night evening!

Babysitters of Charlotte is being Featured on NBC news!

Babysitters of Charlotte is being featured on NBC news as the preferred babysitting agency in South Charlotte to go to. Babysitters of Charlotte provide Nanny placement and Date night sitting service. Video below!

Babysitters of Charlotte Made the newspaper!! Read Article Below

Great Nannies Agencies In Charlotte, NC

A great nanny agency in Charlotte, NC is Babysitters of Charlotte and the reason are a great nanny agency is because they have great reviews and great nannies for a reasonable priced placement fees. Babysitters of Charlotte nanny agency gives options with placement fees starting at $1000 up to 10% of nanny salary. Other nanny agencies will charge you 10% of placement fee. The owner of Babysitters of Charlotte has over 10 years experience in childcare and she has over 5 professional experience in Childcare. The owner of Babysitters of Charlotte has also operated a successful childcare experience. Babysitters of Charlotte also train their nannies and babysitters with first aid/CPR and SIDS certification.

Date Night Sitters

Babysitters of Charlotte do Date Nights every Friday and Saturday and we have about 15 babysitters available who have already been pre-screen, interviewed, and national background checks have been conducted. They are a great set of babysitters and usually every weekend the babysitters are booked.

Babysitters of Charlotte
125 W Tremont Ave
Charlotte, NC
Number: 980-819-1741