Kids Charlotte

Kids Charlotte

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Why you should feed your child grapes every week!

According to,

Numerous studies have investigated the relationship between grape seed extract (GSE) and cancer, and the results are exciting. Grapes contain more power to prevent cancer rather than cure it, though cancer survivors can certainly call upon the grape for the potential to prevent recurrence.
Research proves that people who consume diets rich in fruits and vegetables have an overall lower risk of cancer. But why? Scientists suspect that the phytochemicals within plants are the magical compounds that fight cancerous changes within human cells.
Phytochemicals are compounds found in plants that offer many health benefits to people. The healthful chemicals are found in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes and nuts. Research is emerging on phytochemicals, and it appears that the entire grape packs a powerful anti-cancer punch.

Science Goes Ape for Grapes

On a microscopic level, phytochemicals inhibit cancerous changes along all stages of tumor growth, from initiation to growth to metastasis. Phytochemicals are most effective at preventing cancerous changes when consumed in healthy quantities over long periods of time. Thus, suddenly increasing consumption of grapes following a cancer diagnosis is unlikely to cure the cancer, but it may increase a person's immunity to fight the cancer naturally.
Grape seeds contain a group of phytochemical antioxidants known as proanthocyanidins. Researchers believe the anti-cancer benefits of GSE come from these proanthocyanidins, which contain more antioxidant power than vitamins C and E.
A number of the studies conducted on GSE and cancer have investigated cancers that affect epithelial cells, including cancers of the skin, colon, prostate, breast and lung. Though GSE hasn't been clinically studied on mesothelioma, the cancer does most commonly occur in epithelial cells and thus may serve as a preventative measure for people exposed to asbestos.
Interesting results from scientific studies on GSE were published in recent years. Some of the findings include:
  • Topical application of GSE on skin cancer tumors in mice reduced the amount of tumors that developed and reduced the size of existing tumors.
  • Dietary feeding of GSE to mice prevented skin papillomas from turning into carcinomas.
  • GSE significantly inhibited a type of precancerous colon lesion in a study on rats.
  • Multiple studies found that GSE causes prostate cancer cells to die.
Research also shows that GSE may enhance the effectiveness of cancer treatments such as chemotherapy. A 2004 study found that grape seed extract enhanced the effects of the chemotherapy drug doxorubicin in breast cancer patients. Doxorubicin is often used to treat mesothelioma patients.


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