Kids Charlotte

Kids Charlotte

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Why you should feed your child grapes every week!

According to,

Numerous studies have investigated the relationship between grape seed extract (GSE) and cancer, and the results are exciting. Grapes contain more power to prevent cancer rather than cure it, though cancer survivors can certainly call upon the grape for the potential to prevent recurrence.
Research proves that people who consume diets rich in fruits and vegetables have an overall lower risk of cancer. But why? Scientists suspect that the phytochemicals within plants are the magical compounds that fight cancerous changes within human cells.
Phytochemicals are compounds found in plants that offer many health benefits to people. The healthful chemicals are found in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes and nuts. Research is emerging on phytochemicals, and it appears that the entire grape packs a powerful anti-cancer punch.

Science Goes Ape for Grapes

On a microscopic level, phytochemicals inhibit cancerous changes along all stages of tumor growth, from initiation to growth to metastasis. Phytochemicals are most effective at preventing cancerous changes when consumed in healthy quantities over long periods of time. Thus, suddenly increasing consumption of grapes following a cancer diagnosis is unlikely to cure the cancer, but it may increase a person's immunity to fight the cancer naturally.
Grape seeds contain a group of phytochemical antioxidants known as proanthocyanidins. Researchers believe the anti-cancer benefits of GSE come from these proanthocyanidins, which contain more antioxidant power than vitamins C and E.
A number of the studies conducted on GSE and cancer have investigated cancers that affect epithelial cells, including cancers of the skin, colon, prostate, breast and lung. Though GSE hasn't been clinically studied on mesothelioma, the cancer does most commonly occur in epithelial cells and thus may serve as a preventative measure for people exposed to asbestos.
Interesting results from scientific studies on GSE were published in recent years. Some of the findings include:
  • Topical application of GSE on skin cancer tumors in mice reduced the amount of tumors that developed and reduced the size of existing tumors.
  • Dietary feeding of GSE to mice prevented skin papillomas from turning into carcinomas.
  • GSE significantly inhibited a type of precancerous colon lesion in a study on rats.
  • Multiple studies found that GSE causes prostate cancer cells to die.
Research also shows that GSE may enhance the effectiveness of cancer treatments such as chemotherapy. A 2004 study found that grape seed extract enhanced the effects of the chemotherapy drug doxorubicin in breast cancer patients. Doxorubicin is often used to treat mesothelioma patients.


Saturday, October 17, 2015

UNCC International Festival

UNCC is having Free a International festival Today

This Saturday! The International Festival is from 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM in the Barnhardt Student Activity Center. Can’t make it? Watch the live stream of the International Festival from noon - 6:00 

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Foods that help with fertility

Food that helps with Fertility 

I wanted to do a post about foods that you can eat that will help with fertility for women who may be trying to get pregnant and have not been having any luck. Below I will discuss foods that will help you, and I will also post a video called "fertility massage" that get those eggs to dropping and help with the fertility process. 

Fertility massage

  • Dairy. It pays to bone up on dairy (milk, yogurt, and cheese) when you’re trying to conceive. Adding dairy to your preconception diet is good not only for bone health but also — potentially — for your reproductive health. So drink that milk, spoon up that yogurt, sip that smoothie, nibble on that cheese. Sticking to low-fat or fat-free dairy products makes sense most of the time, especially if you’re trying to lower your bottom line preconception (after all, extra weight can weigh on fertility). But there is some early research showing that women who have problems with ovulation may benefit from splurging on a serving a day of full-fat dairy. Before you dip too far into the Ben & Jerry’s, though, remember that overdoing the full-fat will defeat the purpose if it packs on the pounds. 
  • Lean animal protein. Let’s talk (lean) turkey…and lean chicken and lean beef. All these protein sources are chock-full of iron — an important nutrient that helps beef up fertility. In fact, studies show that women who pump up their iron intake during the preconception period have a higher fertility rate than women who are iron-deficient. A couple caveats: Steer clear of high-fat cuts of meat (bring home the pork tenderloin, but not the bacon), and don’t overdo any kind of animal protein (stick to no more than 3 servings). That’s because research shows that too much protein (even lean protein) can decrease fertility. Consider swapping out one serving of animal protein for a serving of plant protein (think beans, tofu, or quinoa). If you’re a vegan, be sure your prenatal vitamin has iron in it, and ask your practitioner if you might need any extra supplementations. 
  • Fatty fish. Salmon (choose wild if you can), sardines, herring, and other types of fatty fish are swimming in fertility-boosting benefits, thanks to the high levels of omega-3 fatty acids they boast. Loading up your diet with those fabulous fats allows for increased blood flow to reproductive organs and may help to regulate reproductive hormones. Not a fan of fish? Hook your omega-3 fatty acids from flaxseed (you’ll find it in some breads), almonds, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, and enriched eggs (you’ll see them marketed as “omega” or “DHA” eggs). 
  • Complex carbs. Never came across a carb you didn’t like (and what estrogen producer has)? It’s time to get a tad more discriminating. When you can, consume carbs of the complex kind (whole grains, beans, vegetables, and fruits) as opposed to the refined varieties (white bread, white rice, refined cereal, sugary treats of all types). That’s because there may be a link between your carb choices and your fertility. Here’s why: Digesting refined carbs causes an increase in blood sugar and insulin in the body — and increased insulin levels can disrupt reproductive hormones and mess with the menstrual cycle (not a good scenario when you’re trying to conceive). Complex carbs, on the other hand, take longer to digest and don’t cause spikes in insulin levels — they may also promote regular ovulation. Holy whole wheat, batmom! 
  • Oysters. You’ve heard that oysters can heat things up between the sheets, but did you know they can also boost your fertility? The oyster — famous for being Nature’s answer to Viagra — is the food chain’s most concentrated source of zinc, a nutrient that’s crucial for conception. Zinc deficiency can disrupt the menstrual cycle and slow the production of good-quality eggs — neither of which is good for fertility. Not a fan of oysters in any form? Slurping those bivalves is not the only way to get your share of zinc. Find zinc in smaller amounts in other fertility-friendly foods, incuding beef, poultry, dairy, nuts, eggs, whole grains, and legumes. 
  • Yams. If you’re hoping for a bun in your oven, think about cooking up some yams for dinner. Some researchers have suggested that this Thanksgiving staple may contain an ovulation-stimulating substance, offering as evidence the fact that wild yam eating populations have a higher rate of twins. Whether or not this theory pans out (after all, the yams we eat are raised, not wild), it’s worth tossing a few in the pan tonight anyway. After all, they’re super-rich in fertility-friendly vitamins (their deep color is a giveaway). 
  • Berries. Thinking pink or blue? Think raspberries and blueberries. Packed with antioxidants, these members of the berry family protect your body from cell damage and cell aging — and this includes cells in your reproductive system (aka your eggs). Wondering whether you should be picking other berries, too (like strawberries and blackberries?) Definitely do. All berries are berry, berry good for your fertility…it’s just that raspberries and blueberries are the berry, berry best. Out of season? Buy them frozen.
Everyday Health,

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Support Small Business owners!

Support Small business Owner this holiday seasons!

Fact: If you support small business owners and spend at least $100 a year towards a small business versus you putting money into this bigger chain companies, you will be contributing to millions of dollars more going towards small businesses. So, support small businesses owners this holiday season, and shop with them. Below are some small businesses in the state of North Carolina who would love your support!

Make-up Artist
(1) Sparkle Divas Mua- The owner does makeup artist and is a Licensed esthetician, She work at Owt.Rage.Us Haire on Ft Bragg beside Baldinos. She is also freelance makeup artist. She does make for weddings, models, and etc. Check out her website below. She also travels to Charlotte, NC.

Hair Stylist

(2) JySpiration- The stylist is a traveling hair stylist in Charlotte, NC and she does all types of hair which include sew-ins, color and cut, men hair cuts, massage, make-up, blow-outs, kids hair, perms, etc


 (3)Boyd's Conveyance- is a professional chauffeur who caters to everyone and go to different areas of Charlotte and pick up client. He does airport transportation, romantic date night, last minute transportation, and event transportation. He provides complimentary beverages of your choice, and he has free wifi for last minute business. He is located in Charlotte, NC. His number is 704-444-0120.

"It Works"
Visit website:

(4)Its Works- Everybody has heard about this company, its called "It works" because it really does work. I'm a customer with this company and I enjoy their products. Their most popular product is the Wraps. I like the wraps, and the fat fighters. They really do have some great products, and if you want to order some of their amazing products, visit the website. You can also start making money yourself with It Works.

Kelly's Pet Grooming
Visit her website:
(5) Kelly's Pet Grooming- The owner is located in Fayetteville, NC and if you need a great pet groomer for your dog, she is the person to go to in the Fayetteville area! Visit her website for more information.

Nanny placement/ Babysitting services
Visit website:

(6) Babysitters of Charlotte- This business is located in Charlotte, NC and is a nanny/babysitting company that does nanny placement, babysitting services, date night sitting, hotel babysitting, event childcare, and church care. This company is an amazing company and very reliable.

Children Party Planner 
Visit website:

(7) All about me parties LLC is a business located in Fayetteville, NC. The company organizes and decorate kids parties at their location. They cater to their client needs by provided their clients with the ultimate experience. You can visit their website for more information

Visit website:
(8) MWRLIFE is an innovative International company which markets inexpensive lifetime warranties and life essentials that we all need. To find out more information, visit their

Nail Shop for your Kids
Visit their website:

(9)Nail talk is a kids nail salon in Indian Trail and my kids love it there. Their prices are affordable and reasonable, and they do a great job! If you have daughters and you are in Charlotte area, you really need to bring your daughters here.

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Indoor Activities for this Rainy Weather

Indoor family Activities for this Rainy Weather 

(1) Bake some cookies and homemade ice cream- Baking and doing family things together can be so relaxing. My daughters and I made some monkey bread and homemade ice cream. Cookies are easier to do and less painful. You can buy some pre-made cookie mix at the store and if you are rained in you can call shipt to deliver groceries to our front door. I will post a video recipe below for the home made ice cream. 

Homemade ice cream recipe

(2) Do Karaoke- My family and I love Karaoke! Both of my daughters love to sing and any-time I say, lets do Karaoke they get so excited, so every Wednesday night we have family night and we mix it up and do Karaoke. I went out to Wal-mart and bought a Karaoke machine, it was under $100, but before we got the karaoke machine we will just find youtube videos that offer karaoke videos and play them off our smart TV, you can always use a laptop, either way they kids will love it!

(3)Play board games- If you have older kids this will definitely be fun. My daughters are 6 and 8 and they love board games, and they also like it when I play go-fish with them. So great board games are monopoly, trouble, candy land, and Family feud. 

(4) Have your children read a book- My family is big on learning so every day during the summer I had my girls ready 2 books a day. I downloaded an app on my phone and its called "Read Me" and the app reads the books to your child, and your child can read the book after the app reads to them, and any words that your child don't know, all she have to do is click on the word and it will pronounce the word for your child. Its a great app because it also have activities that your child can do and it matches your child up with their reading level. The app is free and you get 5 free books, and if you want to order more books its only 1.99 for another 5 books. I love this app 

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Date Night Ideas

Date Night places to go in Charlotte

(1) Dinner and movie is a popular date night to have a great time. Studio movie grill is a great place to go for dinner and a movie. Studio movie grill has full course meals and a full bar all while you are watching a movie. I love going to this place because they have great food and great drinks. You can even buy your ticket online before going to see the movie and you can pick your seat. Visit their website for showings an their menu.

(2) Go to a Play date, no silly not a kids play date, but Charlotte now has a adult Playdate where you can be a big kid and play games like Twister, board games, playing cards, etc. You can visit their website at
or their Facebook 
You will have so much fun, and they are redefining night life!

(3) Learn to Dance- Learning how to dance can be rewarding and relaxing. Learning how to dance with your spouse can be fun and you can show off your moves at the next wedding or event. There are several places where you and your spouse can learn how to dance. Queen City Ballroom is a great place in Charlotte to learn how to dance. They teach private lessons, and group lessons. Their website is

(4) Have a brunch! A great place to have brunch is Bistro La Bon. Its a great french place and its upscale with great food. The atmosphere is great and the food is awesome. You can visit their website at for their menu and location.

(5) Go Birdwatching- You don't have to always go on a date at night, and our Date night sitters are available in the day and the night time. Babysitters of Charlotte got you covered.

(6) Attend a Wine festival or wine tasting! Wine tasting is one of my favorites, and I'm pretty sure its one of your favorites if your drink wine. A great place to go to in charlotte is Treehouse Vineyards. The atmosphere is romantic! You can visit our website at

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Kid-Friendly Coffee Shops

Kid-Friendly Coffee Shops in Charlotte

Its is so convenient to be able to bring your child or children with your to the coffee shop if its kid-friendly, especially if you love the coffee shop setting and coffee, and if you work from your computer. Below I listed some kid-friendly coffee shops where you can bring your child in Charlotte, NC.

(1) Am'elie's is a kid-friendly coffee shop that stays open 24 hours a day, and they serve breakfast, lunch and dinner. The atmosphere is great and they have a separate area where they have books your kids can read, if you have older kids. Its kinda upscale with the chandeliers with a homey feel. 

Address: 2424 N Davidson St Charlotte, NC 28314

(2)Smelly Cat Coffee has a great environment and a fun place to have coffee with your child. They are a kid-friendly coffee shop.

Address: 514 E 36th Street Charlotte, NC 28203

(3) Dilworth Coffee-Matthews is a great kid-friendly coffee shop and the set-up is a homey feel and has a great decor and atmosphere with outdoor sitting.

Address: 110 Matthews Station St Matthews, NC 28105

(4) Ellie Coffee Shoppe is a great kid-friendly coffee that serve really great food, and this coffee shop is located in Concord area.

Address: 37 Union St S Concord, NC

(5) Coffee House and Lounge is a kid-friendly coffee shop in Gastonia, NC they serve great coffee and tasty treats. They also serve food. 

Address: 170 S South Street Gastonia, NC

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Its Official! Shipt has launched in Charlotte!

Shipt Has Lanuched

Watch Video below to find out about Shipt

Shipt has launched in Charlotte everyone, so start shopping online now for groceries to be hand' delivered to you door. I have been waiting for Shipt to launch in Charlotte for awhile and now that are finally here. YESS! I'm excited! Now I don't have to get out of my house in this wet weather and and go grocery shopping. This app is so convenient. To find out more information, and to start shopping Visit the website at

Monday, September 28, 2015

Tips on how to pick a great Nanny agency

Tips on how to pick a great Nanny Agency

There are several things to consider when picking a nanny agency. Some of the things to consider is to make sure the nanny agency have great reviews online, Find out their screening process for their nannies, make sure they are responsive and answer the phone and return calls back, Make sure its a credible company, and lastly make sure they are professional and have great customer service. 

(1) Make sure the nanny agency have great reviews- If you google the nanny agency name, you will be able to see their reviews. If you google our nanny agency, Babysitters of Charlotte reviews, you will be able to see our reviews. Reviews is what that client thought of the nanny agency.

(2) Find out their screening process-You want to make sure that the nanny agency has a great screening process. Babysitters of Charlotte nanny agency screening process consist of a national Background Check, drug screening, monthly alerts of any changes of background, driving history screening, personal reference, professional references, phone interviews, face to face interviews, first aid/CPR training, and SIDS training. 

(3) Make sure they are responsive- All nanny agency don't answer the phone on the first call, and some won't even call you back. You want to pick a nanny agency that answers their phone when you call the first time, and if they can't answer, 2 hours is max time-frame to call back if you call within business hours. Babysitters of Charlotte will 90% of the time will answer their phone on the first try if we don't answer, we will call you back within 2 business hours if you call within normal business hours.

(4) Make sure the agency is credible- They way you will make sure the agency is credible is to google the agency and to make sure they have a website. If you want to take things up a notch, great nanny agencies will have been in the news, or have a commercial. Babysitters of Charlotte has a commercial that is being running on TV for the past 2 months, and they have were in the Charlotte observer newspaper. We are also being featured as the preferred nanny agency to go to in the South Charlotte area. The owner of Charlotte was on the TV show "Say yes to the Dress Atlanta" and has help Super nanny TV show find families who needed a free nanny here in the Charlotte area. 

(5) Make sure the nanny agency is professional and great Customer Service- You want to make sure the nanny agency is professional and has great customer service. Some nanny agencies are not professional and won't answer the phone professional. Here at Babysitters of Charlotte we will also answer the phone professionally and provide our client with great customer service. We go out of our way to make sure you have a great experience, and to make sure of that we follow up with Surveys!

Work From Home Jobs

Below I will discuss 5 work from home jobs that I use to work for. These companies contract with companies like Sprint, ATT, AAA, SEARS,etc, and they pay a hourly pay. The main requirement is a laptop or computer with high speed internet. Some of these jobs required you to have a phone nd headset. Most of these jobs are customer service positions. 

(1) Alpine Access is a customer service job and you work from home. You will have to have internet connection and a computer or laptop. You can apply at the link below, and they are actively hiring! Good Luck

(2) Convergys is a customer service job where you can work from home as well, and you have to have internet connection and computer or laptop. I would suggest this company only because they pay better and that offer health benefits and help with schooling. You can apply at link below:

(3) Sykes is another customer service job where you will have to have internet connection, and a computer. You can apply at the link below:

(4) Arise is a great company to work for especially if you are into making your own schedule. Its more of a business opportunity, but the jobs are customer service positions. You have to take a test and everything is self-paced. If you pass the background check and testing and interview, they hire you on the spot and everything is done online. The link is provided below to apply

Once you are hired, enter my CSPID:817682 as a referral

(5) Cash Crate is where you can start earning money online right away, you can receive your first check next month. You can sign up now below:

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

The benefits of Breastfeeding

The Benefits of Breastfeeding

There are a lot of benefits of breastfeeding and the main one that you should be aware of is that Breastfeeding help reduce SIDS. SIDS stands for Sudden Infant Death Sydrome. Below you will find others benefits of Breastfeeding.

Here's a look at some of the most important benefits breastfeeding offers you and your baby.

Breastfeeding protects your baby from a long list of illnesses

Numerous studies from around the world have shown that stomach viruses, lower respiratory illnesses, ear infections, and meningitis occur less often in breastfed babies and are less severe when they do happen. Exclusive breastfeeding (meaning no solid food, formula, or water) for at least six months seems to offer the most protection.
One large study by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences showed that children who are breastfed have a 20 percent lower risk of dying between the ages of 28 days and 1 year than children who weren't breastfed, with longer breastfeeding associated with lower risk.

The main immune factor at work here is a substance called secretory immunoglobulin A (IgA) that's present in large amounts in colostrum, the first milk your body produces for your baby. (Secretory IgA is present in lower concentrations in mature breast milk.) The substance guards against invading germs by forming a protective layer on the mucous membranes in your baby's intestines, nose, and throat.

Your breast milk is specifically tailored to your baby. Your body responds to pathogens (virus and bacteria) that are in your body and makes secretory IgA that's specific to those pathogens, creating protection for your baby based on whatever you're exposed to.

Breastfeeding's protection against illness lasts beyond your baby's breastfeeding stage, too. Studies have shown that breastfeeding can reduce a child's risk of developing certain childhood cancers. Scientists don't know exactly how breast milk reduces the risk, but they think antibodies in breast milk may give a baby's immune system a boost.

Breastfeeding may also help children avoid a host of diseases that strike later in life, such as type 1 and type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, and inflammatory bowel disease. In fact, preemies given breast milk as babies are less likely to have high blood pressure by the time they're teenagers.

For babies who aren't breastfed, researchers have documented a link between lack of breastfeeding and later development of Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis.

Breastfeeding can protect your baby from developing allergies

Babies who are fed a formula based on cow's milk or soy tend to have more allergic reactions than breastfed babies.

Scientists think that immune factors such as secretory IgA (only available in breast milk) help prevent allergic reactions to food by providing a layer of protection to a baby's intestinal tract. Without this protection, inflammation can develop and the wall of the intestine can become "leaky." This allows undigested proteins to cross the gut where they can cause an allergic reaction and other health problems.

Babies who are fed formula rather than breast milk don't get this layer of protection, so they're more vulnerable to inflammation, allergies, and other eventual health issues.

Trusted Nanny agency in Charlotte

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Inexpensive Dating Ideas!

Inexpensive Dating Ideas

My favorite: Take him to test drive his favorite car or sports car. He will love it and make it a surprise! You can always test drive any car on the parking lot as long as you have a drivers license.

Go to an amusement park or arcade. It doesn’t have to be one of those fancy, expensive parks. Go without the kids and BE kids again. Do those silly arcade games like skee ball or whack-a-mole. Impress your spouse with your strength or cunning…or laugh at your ineptitude.

Play a game from your childhood – croquet, badminton, hide and seek, miniature golf. Reminisce and be playful together.

Pretend-You’re-a-Tourist date. Look around your city and do the things a tourist might do – go to an overlook, a quaint neighborhood, the botanical gardens, a museum, whatever is special about your hometown. Gawk if you like, after all you’re a tourist. (Inspired by Co-op America).

Build something together – ice cream sundaes, a pizza with your favorite toppings, a tower of blocks. Perhaps you will find a chuckle over the odd or weird combinations that reflect your different approaches to food, building, and life.

Plan a “Favorites Night” around your favorite food, clothes, games, sports, etc. Each spouse could choose a favorite activity which you then combine into one evening, or the wife could propose her favorite activities for one date and the husband plans the next date with his favorites.

Ride a city bus for the whole route. Reflect on the sights you see and the lives of the people who are your fellow passengers. Debrief your insights afterwards.

Wait for snow and give yourself permission to make snow angels or make a snowman. Don’t live in a snowy climate? Go roller blading or revisit your childhood by visiting a roller skating rink.

Visit a pet store together. This is usually good for stirring up warm fuzzy feelings. Restrain yourself from buying, however, unless you’re really ready for a new family member. Talk about any pets you had as a child.

Ever gone midnight bowling? It’s more than just bowling. Some places have special music, lighting, and gimmicks. Even without these, it can be a ball of fun if you don’t take it too seriously.

Look through old photo albums and tell each other stories of your childhood and families. If you feel really energetic, make it a time to put all those loose photos in albums or on a disc. It’s a big job but your children will appreciate it one day.

During Lent, go to a fish fry. The fish is not the point. Seeing a community work together to feed the multitudes is a miracle in itself. Are you a member of a faith community? You don’t have to like fish to check it out.

Hang out at a bookstore. Browse through your favorite sections. Many bookstores have cozy reading spots or a café connected with them. Assume an erudite persona for an evening.

Do something to nurture your spiritual life. Go to a church service, spend an hour in silence, pray the Way of the Cross in a church or walk in a poor neighborhood to seek Christ’s presence there.

Visit your local zoo. Spring is often an especially engaging time since your likely to see some endearing zoo babies and glorious flowers.

Try a theme date like one around “quarters.” Think of all the things you can do that use quarters like play a juke box, wash the car, take your picture together at a photo booth, play video games at an arcade. (Inspired by Co-op America)

Thrift Store Date. Pick a spending limit (like $5 each) and see what crazy gift(s) you can put together for your sweetheart. Try creating a crazy or luxurious outfit for each other and wear it home. It may be the only time you wear it (other than Halloween) before you donate it back to the store. (Inspired by Co-op America)

Volunteer somewhere together – a nursing home, a soup kitchen, clean up litter from a park or along your street. Pray a simple litany of thanks together, i.e. For our family, we thank you Lord. For a safe home, we thank you Lord. For our health, we thank you Lord…

Water and moonlight can be romantic. Is there a lake, a river, a fountain near your home? Take a walk along a body of water at night. Pause and gaze at the light shimmering on the water. Dream and imagine together.

Do something silly that reminds you of your childhood. Climb a tree together, catch lightning bugs, or feed some ducks.

Try an old fashioned picnic in a secluded spot. Lay out a table cloth, some snacks or a meal. Some wine might be a nice touch. Perhaps read some romantic poetry to each other. It need not be original, just something you took the effort to find.

Take an early morning or evening bike ride together. Explore your neighborhood or the countryside. Stop at a quaint café for breakfast or get an ice cream cone or other treat along the way. In fact stop whenever you feel the urge. It’s not a race, just a time to discover together.

If tent camping is a new experience for you, try it, you might like it. Borrow a tent, sleeping bags, and some advice from a veteran camper and spend a night in the woods – or at least a backyard. Snuggle, tell ghost stories, and roast marshmallows.

During the Fall, find a corn maze and wander through it. Night time is the most fun. Getting lost is part of the adventure. Ponder how your experience may mimic times in your life together when you felt lost, found each other, or found your way through a difficulty together. No corn mazes in your area? Search out a labyrinth. Many retreat centers have them.

If you are in the Charlotte area and need a Date Night Sitter
Call 980-819-1741 
Or book a sitter online at